Our Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I set my clock when the time changes?

    When Time Springs Forward: The easiest way is to move the long minute hand forward and allow the clock to chime at each position.  

    When Time Falls Back: Stop your pendulum with your hand. Wait one hour and restart your pendulum by moving it to one side. 

    If you need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us and we'll be glad to help. 

  • I let my clock run down. What do I do?

    First, wind the clock up completely. Whether that is pulling chains or winding with a key or crank. Now, start your pendulum. Slightly move your long minute hand back without passing the hour. For antiques, do not pass the hour or half-hour marks. Listen for the chimes to finish and listen for the tick. Now start moving your minute hand, stopping for it to chime with each position until you get your clock set.  

    If you need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us and we'll be glad to help. 

  • Coming Soon...

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